Ship Breaker Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Here, fear and tension fell away in the presence of Sadna's strength. (5.8)

Nailer doesn't really have a family. His mom is dead and his dad's a violent drug addict, so he tries to find the qualities of a family in Pima and her mother, Sadna. Family should imply safety, but Nailer only feels this kind of security with his non-family.

Quote #2

Silent stretched between them. "Lost it, huh?" was all his father said, but Nailer could tell that dangerous gears were turning now, fueled by the rattle of drugs and anger and whatever madness caused his father's bouts of frenzied work and brutality… Richard Lopez was thinking. And now Nailer needed to know what—or he'd never escape the shack without a beating. (5.144)

It's pretty clear that Nailer has to physically and mentally tiptoe around his dad because his dad is both physically and mentally abusive. This challenges the concept that family is important because, well, what if the only family you have doesn't give you what family should—safety, security, and love?

Quote #3

The man was a drunk and a bastard, but still, they were blood. They shared the same eyes, the same memories of his mother… family, as much as he had. (6.19)

What makes someone family? Is it blood? Shared experiences? Or something else?