Samuel K. Roth Timeline & Summary


Samuel K. Roth Timeline & Summary

  • As a wolf, Sam watches Grace in the woods. He remembers the time other wolves had her for brunch, and he eventually stepped in to save her... but only after the wolves had had their fill.
  • As a human, Sam works in a bookstore part time, but he's too nervous to talk to Grace when she comes in to shop.
  • One day, hunters storm the woods and shoot at the wolves. Sam gets shot, and crawls to Grace's deck, where he shifts back to human form and lies there, bleeding.
  • After Grace takes him to the hospital, she pretty much has him move in with her.
  • Their romance grows as they date, smooch a lot, and do... other things.
  • When Shelby, the jealous she-wolf, attacks Grace, human Sam fights her off with a frying pan.
  • Sam finds out that Jack Culpeper, a boy who was attacked by wolves, didn't die. He's a wolf too. And a jerk. Sam's afraid that Jack will expose the wolves' secrets.
  • Jack traps Sam in a tool shed. As the temperature drops, Sam's afraid he will shift back into a wolf and lose Grace forever.
  • Isabel rescues Sam at the last minute.
  • One night, Grace and Sam are in a car accident, and Sam turns into a wolf... forever.
  • Isabel has a cure though: inject the wolves with meningitis.
  • Wolf Sam gets taken to the clinic and injected, but he runs away.
  • We're not sure what happens over the next few days, but Sam disappears, and Grace is afraid he's dead.
  • One snowy night, he comes out as a human, surprising Grace and hugging her.