The Sign of the Beaver Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

His harsh words did not fool Matt for a moment. Nor did they fool the dog. […] Attean reached into his pouch and brought out a strip of dried meat. Then he bent and very gently took the broken paw into his hands. (18.58)

When it comes to healing, the Beaver clan is where it's at—if anyone can help the mangy dog, it's Attean and his peeps.

Quote #8

"My grandmother very surprise white boy go long way for Indian dog," Attean explained. "She say you come." (19.5)

The white men who killed Attean's mom did so for bragging rights, but Matt, on the other hand, is willing to put himself in danger to save a good-for-nothing Indian dog. No wonder he finally wins Attean's grandma over. Warm fuzzies all around.

Quote #9

The dog jumped in after him and settled down only a few inches from Matt's knees. He had never willingly come so close before.

Attean noticed and commented. "Dog remember."

[…] Could a dog caught in a trap […] sense that someone was trying to help him? […] Very slowly Matt reached down and laid his hand on the dog's back. The dog did not stir or growl. (19.22-24)

Does the dog remember? Has Matt's bravery finally won him over? Or is he just sick of hating Matt?