The Sign of the Beaver Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Gradually he realized that they were gentle hands, probing and rubbing at one tender spot after another. His panic began to die away. (5.9)

Kindness almost always kills fear. It's pretty cool that way.

Quote #5

[Matt] was walking behind Attean, swinging the rabbit carelessly by the ears as Attean always did, when the Indian suddenly halted, his whole body tensed. Matt could see nothing and he had opened his mouth to speak, when Attean silenced him with a jerk of his hand. (15.3)

Did Attean see the baby bear? Hear the mother bear? Or just sense that something was very wrong?

Quote #6

Matt would never know why he acted as he did. He could not remember thinking at all, only staring with numb horror at the creature about to charge. (15.8)

Fear can make you do crazy things or nothing at all. The trouble is though, that it's hard to know how you'll react without being in the situation. Unless, of course, you're Batman.