The Sign of the Beaver Man and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He wanted Attean to look at him without that gleam of amusement in his eyes. He wished that it were possible for him to win Attean's respect. (11.50)

Head back to the book for a minute. When does Matt finally win Attean's respect?

Quote #8

Even though Attean annoyed him, Matt was constantly goaded to keep trying to win this strange boy's respect. He would lie awake in the night, staring up at the chinks of starlight in the cabin roof, and make up stories in which he himself, not Attean, was the hero. (13.23)

Matt appreciates all that Attean teaches him, but it's hard to always be the student—and it's even harder when your teacher is the same age as you. No wonder Matt dreams of being the hero one day.

Quote #9

"Attean didn't tell me he had a sister."

The girl laughed. "Attean think squaw girl not good for much," she said. "Attean only like to hunt." (18.42-43)

Sounds like a typical older brother—let's just change the words a bit, shall we? "Attean thinks girl stuff is stupid—he only likes gaming/ monster trucks/ basketball." Sound familiar?