Character Analysis
We never learn this dude's name, but he looks like someone you don't want to mess with: "His suit is perfectly black. So is his hair" (18.10). Additionally, one of his eyes is glass, which is intimidating to poor Mafia goon Jason: "One of his eyes is made of glass and doesn't point in the same direction as the other one. Jason thinks he's looking elsewhere. But he's looking at Jason with his good eye. Or maybe he isn't. Jason can't tell which eye is the real one. He shudders and stiffens like a puppy in a deep freeze" (18.24). Yup—someone's uncomfortable.
Other than the fact that the glass eye is really creepy, though, we don't learn much about this dude's past. And not for lack of trying, since Y.T. asks him what happened to his eye; his response is made up of as few words as possible, though, and he just says, "'Ice pick, Bayonne, 1985'" (22.9). And so his past remains shrouded in mystery.
We get to know Fisheye a little better when he's stranded with Hiro on a lifeboat. If Uncle Enzo is the friendly, public-relations face of the Mafia, Fisheye is the side of the Mafia that gets things done in the most efficient way possible. When Eliot observes that the pirates aren't scared of the Mafia, Fisheye responds: "'That's just because they don't know us very well'" (49.44). That seems to sum up Fisheye's philosophy. Unfortunately, it doesn't keep him alive when Raven comes for him.
Humility does not seem to come naturally to Fisheye. When Ng supplies him with a beta version of Reason—a Gatling-type gun that shoots splinters of depleted uranium—Fisheye goes all out with it. Until it crashes. Whoops. Maybe if Fisheye hadn't gone so nuts with his new toy, he'd have had a better chance against Raven.