Sold Perseverance, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Title.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I blink back the tears in my eyes. I ball my hands into fists. I will not do this dirty business.

I will wait until dark and escape from Mumtaz and her Happiness House. (70.Sold.21-22)

Lakshmi is in a locked room in a city where she knows no one and does not speak the language. And yet she remains convinced that she will escape. We admire her feistiness and the resilience of her hope.

Quote #5

I pound on the door.
I howl like an animal.
I pray.
I pace the room.
I kick the door.

But I do not cry. (70.Sold.31-32)

This is Lakshmi's response to being locked in the small room. And while she is clearly quite upset—and though she does not speak to hope once here—we know that hope is somehow a part of her time in the room because the girl who is locked in after Lakshmi promptly commits suicide… and Lakshmi doesn't seem to even consider it as an option.

Quote #6

All I know is that each time one leaves, my debt to Mumtaz grows a little smaller. (88.Counting.3)

In some ways, Lakshmi's education contributes to the hope she feels.