Sold Perseverance, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Title.Paragraph)

Quote #10

And today when the street boy comes, I will be ready.
Today I will ask him if it is really true that he knows everyone in this town. And today I will show him the small white American card with the flying bird on it. (163.AKindofSickness.2)

After Shilpa reveals the truth to Lakshmi, Lakshmi makes plans to free herself of the brothel. It's dangerous, but she chooses to accept the danger because her desire to leave Happiness House far outweighs the fear she has of what will happen to her if she stays.

Quote #11

He is still there, gripping his battered Nepali wordbook.

"The clean place," I say. "I want to go there." (169.Believing.13-14)

Despite each betrayal, Lakshmi chooses hope. Hope that the clean place exists. Hope that there is more to her life than the hell the brothel is. But is it hope that brings the Americans to her? Or is it just luck?

Quote #12

How stupid I was to believe in him and his digital magic.

How stupid I am to keep believing. (172.TwoKindsofStupidity.2-3)

Time and again Lakshmi has hoped, been let down, fallen into despair, and dared to hope again. Here she says it's stupid to keep hoping, and yet she continues to anyway. Why do you think this is?