A Song of Despair Resources


They Really Love Me!

Find out all about his major award, which is much cooler than a leg-shaped lamp.

Neruda @ Emory

This site has a brief bio, with lots n' lots o' links!


All Together Now!

The original Spanish version set to music—let's have a sing-along!

A Heartfelt Interpretation

Check out this emotional reading of Neruda's poem.

The Voice of the Master

Neruda recites some of the other poems from this collection in his signature, hypnotic style.

All About Pablo

Part one of six of a cool documentary on the poet's life and work.


A Life Story

Listen to this radio program on Neruda's super-exciting life.

En Español

Here's a reading of the poem by another famous Latin American poet, Jaime Sabines.


The Languages of Love

The book of poems in Spanish and English, in case your love interest lives south of the border.

Spanish, Please.

The original, unadulterated poems, in all their glory.


Neruda on Neruda: his life story.


There He Is

Here's a photograph of the poet himself. Pretty as a picture, wouldn't you say?

Read it and Weep…

The cover of the English-language of Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair, which you might want to use to woo your next Valentine.

Articles and Interviews

A Historical Poet

This article explains Neruda's importance in Chile's literature and history. Yeah, he's kind of a big deal.

Tell it Like it Is

An interview with Pablo Neruda from 1969, where he lets us into his amazing mind.

Radio Star

A very rare transcript of a Canadian radio interview with the poet, from 1971.


Il Postino

One of the characters in this Italian movie is Neruda, who teaches the clumsy town postman how to woo his beloved.