Speak, Memory Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #10

I do not doubt that among those slightly convex chips of majolica ware found by our child there was one whose border of scrollwork fitted exactly, and continued, the pattern of a fragment I had found in 1903 on the same shore, and that the two tallied with a third my mother had found on that Mentone beach in 1882, and with a fourth piece of the same pottery that had been found by her mother a hundred years ago—and so on, until this assortment of parts, if all had been preserved, might have been put together to make the complete, the absolutely complete, bowl, broken by some Italian child, God knows where and when, and now mended by these rivets of bronze. (15.3.6)

We know this is a meaty quote, but it takes some amount of words to describe the sweep of Nabokov's family ancestry and human time, with the help of a kid's scavenger hunt on the beach.