Spider-Man Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Spider-Man.

Quote #4

WRESTLING PROMOTER: Stop him! He's got my money!

ROBBER: Thanks.

SECURITY GUARD: What the hell's the matter with you? You let him go! (into his walkie talkie) Cut him off in the lobby, and call the cops!

WRESTLING PROMOTER: You could've taken that guy apart. Now he's gonna get away with my money.

PETER: I missed the part where that's my problem.

Peter is acting like a petulant child here, not like a powerful adult. Because he intentionally shirks his responsibility to stop the robber, not just as a superhero but as a citizen, the robber gets away and, as the cruelest of fates would have it, kills Uncle Ben.

Quote #5

MARY JANE: Don't tell Harry.

PETER: Don't tell Harry?

MARY JANE: Aren't you guys living together? We're going out. Didn't he tell you?

PETER: Oh, yeah. Right.

MARY JANE: I think he'd hate the idea of my waiting tables. He'd think it was low or something.

PETER: That's not low. You have a job. You know, Harry doesn't live on a little place I like to call Earth.

Mary Jane laughs.

MARY JANE: No, I guess not.

No, Harry doesn't live on Earth. He lives way above it, in a swanky penthouse, with his rich, powerful, MIA dad who prefers expensive gifts to hugs (we assume).

Quote #6

GREEN GOBLIN: We killed them.


GREEN GOBLIN: Remember? Your little accident in the laboratory.

NORMAN: The performance enhancers.

GREEN GOBLIN: Bingo. Me! Your greatest creation. Bringing you what you've always wanted: power beyond your wildest dreams.

The Green Goblin is like Norman's id unleashed. If he could have anything, it would be unlimited power.