Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Scene 9 Summary

  • We cut to a hazy, purple planet with two moons in the distance. A group of robed figures trudges across the snowy surface.
  • The figures have reached their destination: a large hatch. It opens, and a Klingon brings out a box.
  • We see Kirk and McCoy among the travelers.
  • Another Klingon appears and stands on the box. That's anticlimactic. He welcomes the prisoners to the "gulag Rura Penthe," which seems rather ham-fisted to us.
  • This dude also has a Russian accent. Because duh.
  • Anyway, no one will be able to escape, because the planet has a magnetic field that prevents transportation. If they try to escape, they'll be thrown out on the surface, where they'll quickly freeze to death.
  • Oh, hey, and there's a guy freezing to death. Hey, buddy. Sorry about what happened.
  • Our heroes climb down the hatch and walk through a series of tunnels. The mines are filled with slaves, guarded by armed Klingon warriors.
  • All the prisoners eye our heroes as they walk past. One particularly large one tries to take the coat off of Kirk's back.
  • A mysterious woman explains that the alien is demanding Kirk's obedience to the "brotherhood of aliens." And he's demanding his coat. Kirk says sure to the first, but nixes the second.
  • The woman tells the alien to relax. Her name is Martia, and she already knows who Kirk and McCoy are.
  • There's a reward for our heroes' deaths, after all, she explains. Not good. To Kirk, this confirms that they've been set up the whole time.