Star Trek: The Motion Picture Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Star Trek: The Motion Picture.

Quote #4

[Ilia seems to remember her identity after trying on a hat she used to wear.]

In an attempt to reawaken the real Ilia, Decker shows her things that were important to her, like her favorite clothes and board games. It works, but only in fits and starts.

Quote #5

KIRK: Spock, what should you have known?

[Spock takes Kirk hand.]

SPOCK: This simple feeling is beyond V'Ger's comprehension.

We'd like to interrupt your regularly scheduled analysis of romantic love to look at the galaxy-spanning bromance of Kirk and Spock. Although these two men are as different as you can be, they get each other in a way that few do.

Quote #6

SPOCK: Captain, V'Ger is a child. I suggest you treat it as such.

KIRK: A child?

SPOCK: Yes, captain, a child. [...] It knows only that it needs, Commander. But like so many of us, it does not know what.

We're pretty sure that we know what V'Ger needs: love. Like a little kid throwing a tantrum, V'Ger is carving a warpath through half of the known universe just to get some attention. That's simultaneously cute and terrifying. Is there a word for that? Cutifying? Terrute? We'll workshop that one.