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Star Wars: A New Hope Resources


Making the Kessel Run

Starwars.com is the official Internet home of all things Star Wars, and we mean all things.


It's not a Wookiee Wiki—although that is fun to say—but a fan wiki dedicated to the entire Star Wars universe.

You Don't Know Jack!

Did you know Jack Purvis played the Chief Jawa? This Star Wars IMDB page has plenty more trivia tidbits.

AFI Hearts Star Wars

AFI gives Lucas' film recognition on several of its Top 100 lists. Its Star Wars webpage is basically the Internet equivalent of a hallway trophy case.

Book or TV Adaptations

Chicken-Egg Scenario

Ghostwritten by Alan Dean Foster, this Star Wars novel was released before the film to get people pumped. It was the first of many novels to come.


IGN explains the changes to the Star Wars canon heralded by Disney's ownership of the franchise. They also explain what it means to be "canonical."

Legen…Wait for It… Dary!

For more than thirty years, a legion of Star Wars novels, comics, and video games told stories that were officially part of the Star Wars mega-story. While no longer official, they are still loved by fans and are today known under the title "Star Wars Legends."

Articles and Interviews

It Belongs in a Museum

Rose Eveleth becomes a celluloid archeologist in her search for the original cut of Star Wars that George Lucas doesn't want people to see.

Thumbs Way Up

Roger Ebert gave Star Wars four out of four stars in his 1977 review. He calls the film an out-of-the-body experience, which is a good thing… we think.

Un-Urban Myth

Steve Persall discusses the mythology behind Star Wars, including Lucas' study of Joseph Campbell's works.

Inspiration Nation

What do Casablanca, Flash Gordon, and The Hidden Fortress have in common? Not much, but as Tim Robey points out, they are three of the ten films that inspired Star Wars either visually or from a narrative perspective.

Paying It Forward

G.S. Perno considers the twenty-five lessons that Star Wars taught future filmmakers.

A Long Time Ago

Writing for Time magazine, Richard Corliss looks at the thirty-five-plus-years-in-the-making phenomenon that is Star Wars.



Io9 brings together Marcelo Zuniga's videos documenting the various changes made to Star Wars over the years.

That 70's Documentary

Here is the first Star Wars documentary. First aired in September 1977, this documentary has that special 70's vibe.


This History Channel documentary discusses the science and technology of the Star Wars universe. You may not learn how to fashion a lightsaber, but you will learn a lot about plasma.

Celebrate Goof Films, Come On!

2015's Star Wars Fan Film Awards brought the serious and the silly together for a celebration of fan creations.

Fan on the Run

For the Star Wars Uncut project, fans split the film into 15-second scenes and recreated each in their individual styles. Editing the scenes back together, they refashion Star Wars as an eclectic mashup of pure love.

Robot Chicken

Here's a Star Wars sketch from Robot Chicken. Just 'cause.


Songs for Days

This soundtrack provides a track-by-track playlist of John Williams' classic score, everything from the main title to the throne room celebration.


Epically Epic

"Epic" is an overused word these days, but is there a better one for the original Star Wars movie poster? Don't think so.


This Star Wars Episode IV Special Edition movie poster is all shiny to go with new special effects.

The Originals

The original cast members pose for the camera in this vintage shot.

Behind the Scenes

Alec Guinness and George Lucas have a talk on the Tunisia set.

No Rest for the Wired

Kenny Baker and Anthony Daniels hang out in the desert as R2-D2 and C-3PO respectively.


This Tumblr page collects Star Wars fan art for your viewing pleasure.