How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
In Berinhed's Forest Tristran outfaced one of the great, tawny eagles, who would have carried them both back to its nest to feed its young and was afraid of nothing at all, save fire. (8.115)
As Tristran and Yvaine make their way through Faerie to the wall, they have all these crazy encounters with bizarre and dangerous creatures (including people). Some of them are apparently harder to fight or outsmart than others, such as these almost-totally-fearless eagles.
Quote #8
She nodded, and raised her head, so her pretty chin pointed toward Tristran. "But I gave you my word, Tristran. And I will keep my word, and I have told Robert this." (10.80)
Wow, props to Victoria for being brave enough to keep her promise to Tristran, even if it stinks for her. She's in love with someone else, and wants to marry him, but she'll come through on her oath to give him his heart's desire no matter what. Knowingly sacrificing your happy future in order to keep your word sure sounds brave to us. Or maybe it's just stupid? The line between the two can get pretty thin.
Quote #9
"But there are so many places we have not yet seen. So many people still to meet. Not to mention all the wrongs to right, villains to vanquish, sights to see, all that." (Epilogue.7)
This is what Tristran says to Yvaine when they finally make their way to Stormhold after wandering through a good chunk of Faerie. Apparently his courage hasn't faltered at all, since he still feels like going out and fighting bad guys is a great idea.