How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
Every boy in the village was in love with Victoria Forester. (2.16)
Victoria is apparently Little Miss Thing in the village of Wall. She's supposed to be beautiful and charming and witty, so what else could you want? Of course, she must have flaws somewhere in her personality, but Tristran seems blind to them. We hope that Mr. Monday isn't, since if he's going to eventually marry her, he should accept her for who she is, not just as a fantasy lover.
Quote #5
"What," he asked, in what he was certain were lofty and scornful tones, "would possibly make you imagine that my lady-love would have sent me on some foolish errand?" (4.40)
We hate to break it to you, Tristran, but you reek of a teenage boy who's in the throes of hormonally-influenced puppy love. The hairy little man seems to understand this, though, and he prods Tristran about who sent him on this quest.
Quote #6
"Because," announced Tristran, "every lover is in his heart a madman, and in his head a minstrel." (4.42)
Again Tristran is laying it on a bit thick. He seems to have absorbed every romantic notion about love out there, which he's now parroting to the hairy little man. Don't worry—he eventually learns to think for himself, and to decide what love really means to him (hint: it's not so sappy).