How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Once he had eaten, he wiped his hands upon his robe and then he cast the runes to find the topaz stone which conferred the lordship of the crag towns and the vast estates of the Stormhold. (5.158)
Primus has runes that he consults in order to divine the location of the topaz, a.k.a. the Power of Stormhold. What are runes? They're carved stones or tiles that can be used like Tarot cards to tell the future—or in this case, the present (since he's after the current location of the topaz, not necessarily where it will be). We'll take runes over animal guts any day when it comes to divination.
Quote #8
They left the inn behind them, the howls of the witch-queen ringing in their ears. They were underground, and the candlelight flickered from the wet cave walls; and with their next halting step they were in a desert of white sand, in the moonlight; and with their third step they were high above the earth, looking down on the hills and trees and rivers far below them. (7.86)
We'll say this about travel by candlelight: It sure is efficient. It'll take you farther and faster than just about anything else we've seen in Stardust. But then, it's also not the most reliable means of travel. If the flame goes out, you're screwed, and this happens not just once, but twice to Tristran. So much for his good luck.
Quote #9
She took the unicorn's head by the horn and placed it beside the body, on the rock; thereupon she looked with her hard, grey eyes into the red pool she had made. Two faces peered out at her from the puddle: two women, older by far in appearance than she was now. (8.50)
"Hello, operator? Yes, we'd like to place a call through this puddle of unicorn blood sitting under a decapitated unicorn head. Yes, we can hold. No trouble at all. Toodle-loo!"