Stargirl Leo Borlock Quotes

Leo Borlock

Quote 34

She taught me to revel. She taught me to wonder. She taught me to laugh (20.8).

Stargirl is a teacher to Leo on several levels. She doesn't bring him facts to learn, but she teaches him how to live more fully. We wish we all had Stargirls in our lives.

Leo Borlock

Quote 35

She saw things. I had not known there was so much to see.

She was forever tugging my arm and saying, "Look!"

I would look around, seeing nothing. "Where?"

She would point. "There."

In the beginning I still could not see. She might be pointing to a doorway, or a person, or the sky. But such things were so common to my eyes, so undistinguished, that they would register as "nothing." I walked in a gray world of nothings (20.9-13)

Stargirl teaches Leo to "see" the interesting things around him as if he were a visitor to a new land. This takes him out of a "gray world of nothings" and into a colorful, vibrant world of infinite interest.

Leo Borlock

Quote 36

"This is… unbelievable. Files. On people. Like she was a spy."

Archie nodded, smiling. "A lovely treason, hm?"

I could not speak. He led me out into the dazzling light (31.44-46).

In this instance, like in so many others, Archie takes Leo into the "light." In other words, while Stargirl leads Leo from "a gray world of nothings" into a world of color and wonder, Archie leads Leo from the darkness of his own ignorance into the light of knowledge and truth. Now there's a happy ending.