Stargirl Leo Borlock Quotes

Leo Borlock

Quote 10

"I lay under my sheet of moonlight. Her voice came through the night, from the light, from the stars" (15.10)

Sometimes, instead of knowledge and wisdom, Leo just feels connected to other people, specifically Stargirl. It is interesting to note the connection between her name (STARgirl) and the MOONshine, isn't' it?

Leo Borlock

Quote 11

And I did have fun. Whether it came from the game or simply from being with her, I don't know. I do know I was surprised at how close I felt to Clarissa and Betty and Adam after watching them for only fifteen minutes (21.52).

Stargirl and Leo play what seems to be a simple game at the mall. They observe other people closely. They pay attention to someone for fifteen minutes and then they determine what kind of greeting card that person would most need to receive. This little game is not just a fun way to spend a couple hours. It is a way to become more connected to the feelings of others. Once they start paying attention, it seems to get easier and easier to observe how other people might be feeling, and to have some empathy for them, too.

Leo Borlock

Quote 12

In bed that night, I became more and more uncomfortable as the moonlight crept up my sheet. I did something I had never done before. I pulled down the shade (30.25).

Have you ever hidden from a truth you didn't want to know, as Leo does here? Nature wants to show him what he did wrong, but Leo simply doesn't want to hear it. By shutting out nature, he's shutting out the truth.