The Storm Resources


Kate Chopin International Society

Visit the society and learn more about both Chopin and her works.

Kate Chopin Clearinghouse

This collection of links, hosted by VCU, pays special focus to Chopin's biography.

Chopin Society: The Storm

Check out the Chopin International Society's page on this story in particular.


Read interviews with David Chopin and Elizabeth Fox-Genovese about Chopin's opinions on feminism, slavery, and more.


Check out these historic and scholarly resources used in the PBS program, Kate Chopin: A Re-Awakening.

Domestic Goddess Links

This page provides a variety of links to Chopin-related sites, many of which focus on The Awakening.


"The Storm"

A contemporary retelling of the story by John Berardo. Somewhat cheesy, we think, but judge for yourself.


Audio Book

Listen to a reading of "The Storm" and 22 other Chopin stories.


A Young Woman

A famous photo of Chopin.

A Grand Lady

This image is of Chopin in her later years.