Strega Nona Rules and Order Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page Number)

Quote #4

"Someday I will get the pasta pot and make it cook! And then they'll be sorry." (14)

Hm. Sounds like someone's forgotten one of the rules. The big rule.

Quote #5

As soon as Strega Nona was out of sight, Big Anthony went inside, pulled the pasta pot off the shelf, and put it on the floor. (16)

Rule? Broken. What do you think is going to happen to all that order?

Quote #6

"Stop!" yelled Big Anthony. But the pasta did not stop and if someone hadn't grabbed poor Big Anthony, the pasta would have covered him up.

It seems that rogue pasta isn't really fond of following orders, especially when the orders are being given by someone who's already broken the rules.