Sunrise Over Fallujah Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Yo, Birdy, you know all this part of the world is in the Bible?"

"If you say so." I was on the ground with my gear under my head.

"You go to church back home?" he asked.

"Sometimes. You?"

"My father's a minister," he said. "But I don't go." (5.221-225)

If Jonesy's father was a minister, he was probably raised religious (enough to know facts about the Bible, at least). We wonder what happened to make him decide to stop going to church.

Quote #5

"I can only tell you what we want to do," Jamil said. "We want to live in peace and worship Allah in peace and walk down the streets in peace. Islam is a religion of peace, true Islam. This sounds simple but it's not. We have Allah in our hearts, but sometimes it's hard to hear the true voice when the stomach is making so much noise." (7.21)

Jamil's reminding the others that peace is a tenet of Islam. But these tenets become complicated when people have other concerns, like hunger or poverty.

Quote #6

I wasn't sure whether the man who lead us around was an imam or something, and didn't want to ask him. Nothing that he was telling us made any sense to me because he was speaking about people who had been in the area or were buried at the mosque centuries before and I couldn't keep up with the names or dates. (8.52)

Birdy knows the old mosque he's touring is sacred, but he doesn't know enough Islamic or world history to really appreciate the tour.