Sunrise Over Fallujah Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I don't play so well, but I am Islam, so I win." He reached over and touched each of his friends on the chest. "Islam, Islam, Islam."

"And we aren't Islam so we don't win?" I asked.

Omar touched each of us. "Infidel, infidel, infidel, infidel, infidel, infidel…"

He had to get up and walk around the table to get to me and Pendleton, and he did. (12.51-54)

Omar's being a little intense. He got up to walk around the table just to call every American an infidel. There might be a bit of resentment or anger showing through.

Quote #8

"What was that last bit of conversation?" Coles asked. "When the other guy spoke to you?"

"He wanted to know who my people were, and if they knew I worked for nonbelievers." (14.379-380)

Poor Fadel could get in trouble just for working for people of a different religion, even if he's devoutly religious himself.

Quote #9

"Does anyone know what religion the young man was?" the chaplain asked.

"He was a blues man," Marla answered.

"And an American," Miller added. "A damn good American."

The questions stopped. The service went on. (15.23-26)

Miller was right. It shouldn't matter what Jonesy's religion was. What mattered was that he sacrificed himself in wartime.