Sunset Limited Life, Consciousness, and Existence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: In consultation with my editor, we decided (against standard practice) to go with page numbers—since The Sunset Limited is one long act and it would be unwieldy and impractical to number all the lines.

Quote #7

WHITE: It's not my view. I believe in the primacy of the intellect. (96)

"The primacy of the intellect" means that the mind takes first place. White thinks it's the main guide you need, as opposed to consulting a fortune cookie or, worse yet, your own emotions.

Quote #8

WHITE: You see everything in black and white.

BLACK: It is black and white.

WHITE: I suppose that makes the world easier to understand. (105)

White criticizes Black as seeing things as cut and dry, but doesn't he do the same? He doesn't believe happiness exists or that life is worth living, and these don't seem like gray areas to him.

Quote #9

WHITE: I suppose from the God point of view all knowledge is vanity. Or maybe it gives people the unhealthy illusion that they can outwit the devil.

BLACK: Damn, Professor. Where was you when I needed you?

WHITE: You'd better be careful, you see where it's gotten me. (111)

At one point, Black asks if White's education is driving him to suicide. Although White dismisses that as being ridiculous, here in this piece of dialogue, it doesn't seem so far off target. White hints that this might be true.