Surfacing Family/Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

He did say he loved me though, that part was true; I didn't make it up. It was the night I locked myself in and turned on the water in the bathtub and he cried on the other side of the door. When I gave up and came out he showed me snapshots of his wife and children, his reasons, his stuffed and mounted family, they had names, he said I should be mature. (18.4)

When the jig is finally up and the narrator comes clean about the fact that she was never married or had a baby, we learn a lot more about her "ex-husband": it seems that he was married (to someone else) and had kids with his wife. The narrator is recalling an incident in which the ex tried to get her to be more "mature" about her emotions by showing her pictures of all the people he was cheating on to be there with her. Touching.