Surfacing Memory Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Ring on my finger. It was all real enough, it was enough reality for ever, I couldn't accept it, that mutilation, ruin I'd made, I needed a different version. I pieced it together the best way I could, flattening it, scrapbook, collage, pasting over the wrong parts. A faked album, the memories fraudulent as passports; but a paper house was better than none and I could almost live in it, I'd lived in it until now. (17.16)

It seems that the narrator wasn't joking about her memories being potentially faulty. Late in the novel, we learn that some of the important details about her past (for example, regarding her ex-husband and child) were pretty inaccurate; she had faked the memories so that they were easier to swallow.