Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Yes… you see… I was very upset over Fudge's accident and I had to blame somebody. So I picked on you."

"Yes," I said. "You sure did."

"It wasn't your fault though. I know that. It was an accident. It could have happened even if I had been in the playground myself." (4.105-107)

A good mom doesn't have to be perfect, but she knows when she's wrong and can apologize for it.

Quote #8

After a while my mother knocked on my bedroom door and called, "Peter, may I come in?"

I didn't answer.

She opened the door and walked over to my bed. "I'm very sorry," she said.

I still didn't say anything. (7.59-62)

Fudge is the one who actually destroyed Peter's school project, but he blames his mother for not keeping a closer eye on Fudge. Now she's the one who feels guilty. Do you think parents are always to blame for their kids' misbehavior?

Quote #9

"Mom," I said, shaking my head. "how could you?"

"How could I what, Peter?" Mom asked.

"How could you let him do it?"

"Let who do what, Peter?" Mom asked.

"LET FUDGE EAT DRIBBLE." I screamed. (10.24-28)

This is the worst thing Fudge has ever done, and Peter needs to have his parents see how bad it is. Do you think the Hatchers keep a close enough eye on Fudge? Could they have prevented some of the catastrophes?