Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Right after lunch my mother opened up the dinner table. We don't have a separate dining room. When we have company for dinner we eat in one end of the living room. When Mom finished setting setting the table she put a silver bowl filled with flowers right in the middle. (2.10)

Here's another description of how small their apartment is. But with some ingenuity, Mrs. Hatcher manages to get everything in order—so that it's cozy, comfortable and clean—in time for Mr. and Mrs. Yarbys' visit.

Quote #5

They were leaving for a hotel as soon as breakfast was over.

My father said he understood. That the apartment was too small for so many people. My mother didn't say anything. (2.104-105)

Mr. and Mrs. Yarby don't even last a full 24 hours in the Hatchers' apartment. It's obvious that they're used to a certain degree of luxury and aren't accustomed to kids at all. Mrs. Hatcher knows that it wasn't the size of the apartment that was the real problem. Peter's Dad is just being diplomatic about it.

Quote #6

We live near Central Park. On nice days I like to play there after school. (4.1)

What a lucky kid. Peter and his friends have one of the biggest and best parks in the world to use as their after-school playground. The park even has a zoo. They take full advantage of Central Park, and spend nice days out there playing secret agent. When you live in an apartment, it's great to have outdoor spaces to hang out.