Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Injustice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

But the next morning I put my foot down. "No. I don't want to stand on my head in the kitchen. Or anywhere else." I added, "And if I don't hurry I'll be late for school."
"Don't you care if your brother starves?" (3.10-11)

It's not Peter's job to find ways to entertain his brother in order to coax him into eating. He finds it ridiculous that his mother is trying to make him feel guilty for not wanting to stand on his head during every single mealtime.

Quote #5

The next day my mother dragged Fudge to Dr. Cone's office. He told her to leave him alone. That Fudge would eat when he got hungry.

I reminded my mother that I'd told her the same thing—and for free. But I guess my mother didn't believe either one of us because she took Fudge to see three more doctors. (3.29-30)

Here's another instance where Peter feels that his mother just doesn't listen to him.

Quote #6

My mother followed me. "Peter Warren Hatcher." she said. "I'm sorry that I can't trust you for just ten minutes."

"Me?" I asked. "Trust me? What's this got to do with me?"

My mother raised her voice. "I left your brother with you for ten minutes and just look at what happened. I'm disgusted with you." (4.94-96)

Peter wasn't even in charge of Fudge at the playground, and now his mom is blaming him for the whole accident? How fair is that?