How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
The black smoke was pouring from a huge bonfire of trees. Citrus trees. […] "I don't think they can build with them. I don't think those trees have any use other than fruit. […] You never hear anyone bragging that their dining-room set is solid grapefruit, do you?" (1.1.19-23)
As if fruit is not a useful thing. Or photosynthesis. Lake Windsor folks only see a use for natural things that can be used for building stuff.
Quote #2
"I'll bet the people who used to live here, the people who grew the tangerines, were really happy with this weather. That's why they were here, right? To grow tangerines?" (1.5. 28)
Paul sees that the weather isn't picking on them—it's just doing what it's always done. It's the people who have changed. (There goes Paul again, seeing better than anyone else despite his thick glasses.)