How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Lake Windsor Downs offers four choices to homebuyers, each named after a British royal family. […] Mom absolutely loves that. […] Mom will soon be describing people like this: "They're the two-story Lancaster with the teal trim" (1.3.6)
Mrs. Fisher actually identifies people by the house they have—how much more materialistic can you get? (Not much.)
Quote #2
There's a fancy little guardhouse on the island, like something the kings and queens in history would have built to keep out the serfs, or the Vandals, or whoever.[…] It's empty inside, but I cold see a dirty ashtray and a wastebasket full of soda cans. (1.3.8)
Symbol alert: the guardhouse is fancy on the outside, but trashy and empty on the inside. Just like the people of Lake Windsor Downs.
Quote #3
It occurred to me that I've never lived in a development that was finished. I have always lived with overflowing construction Dumpsters and portable toilets sitting on boards. (1.6.1)
And Mrs. Fisher likes it that way. Why would she think it's better to live somewhere like that, than to live in an established, older neighborhood, without the Port-a-Potties? We'd think that Port-a-Potties would really bring down the tone.