How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
But I can see. I can see everything. I can see things that Mom and Dad can't. Or won't. (Prologue.1.25)
Is everything that Paul sees the truth, though? Those are some pretty thick glasses. How can we be sure that Paul's vision is clear?
Quote #2
Erik was as phony as he needed to be. (1.3.39)
And Paul is as computery as he needs to be. Ha! See what we did there? But… think about it. Why is Erik being phony? Who is the real Erik?
Quote #3
[He should be] fired for what, Dad? For telling us the truth? For telling us something that you didn't know? (1.4.6)
Hmmm…who else do we know that gets this mad when someone shows him up? Erik, maybe? We're thinking there's a family resemblance in how well Mr. Fisher and Erik deal with the truth. (Not well.)