Tar Beach Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page)

Quote #4

The bridge was my most prized possession. (6)

We're still in the past here, in Cassie's memories. The bridge was her most prized possession. That suggests it isn't her most prized possession anymore.

Quote #5

Daddy said that the George Washington Bridge […] opened in 1931, on the very day I was born. (7)

Hey, here's the clue that helps us know when the story takes place. Let's do the math: Cassie would've been eight years old in 1939.

Quote #6

Daddy worked on that bridge, hoisting cables. Since then, I've wanted that bridge to be mine. Now I have claimed it. (8-9)

Now, wait a second. Something crazy happens here. Daddy worked on the bridge in the past. Now—now—Cassie has claimed it. We're shifting tenses here, people.