Tar Beach Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page)

Quote #7

Me, Cassie Louise Lightfoot, only eight years old and in the third grade, and I can fly. (10)

Yep, that's the present tense all right. We have officially traveled back in time to 1939-ish.

Quote #8

But still he can't join the union because Grandpa wasn't a member. (13)

Unions used Mr. Lightfoot's heritage as an excuse to not admit him into the union. Gross.

Quote #9

And Mommy won't cry all winter when he goes to look for work and doesn't come home. And Mommy can laugh and sleep late like Mrs. Honey. (16-17)

In her fantasy, Cassie's mom doesn't cry. That suggests she did cry in real life…which is terribly sad.