Tar Beach Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page)

Quote #4

All I have to do is fly over it for it to be mine forever. I can wear it like a giant diamond necklace, or just fly above it and marvel at its sparkling beauty. (9-10)

Who needs some stinking diamond necklace when you own the whole George Washington Bridge?

Quote #5

I can fly—yes, fly. Me, Cassie Louise Lightfoot, only eight years old and in the third grade, and I can fly. That means I'm free to go wherever I want for the rest of my life. (10)

Cassie feels like she can grow up and do anything. You go, girl!

Quote #6

Daddy took me to see the new union building he is working on. (11)

Daddy helped build the union building, but he can't join the union. Not fair.