Tar Beach Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page)

Quote #7

He can walk on steel girders high up in the sky and not fall. They call him the Cat. But he still can't join the union because Grandpa wasn't a member. (12-13)

Cassie's dad can't get ahead at work because he can't join the union. The man is keeping him down, and it's super unfair.

Quote #8

And Mommy can laugh and sleep late like Mrs. Honey […] (17)

Mrs. Honey sounds like a woman of leisure compared to Mommy, right? That might be in part because she and her husband don't have any kids.

Quote #9

Mommy is roasting peanuts and frying chicken, and Daddy will bring home a watermelon. Mr. and Mrs. Honey will bring the beer and their old green card table. (21)

Even though Cassie's family doesn't have a lot of money, they take time out for the good things in life.