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The Tempest Betrayal Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line). Line numbers correspond to the 2008 Norton edition.

Quote #10

ANTONIO [aside to Sebastian]
I am right glad that he's so out of hope.
Do not, for one repulse, forego the purpose
That you resolved t' effect. (3.3.13-15)

Antonio rejoices at the fact that Alonso has given up hope that his son might still live. This is pretty awful, but has Sebastian changed so much that he can see the King's misfortune (over his own nephew) as his opportunity? Is Sebastian also immoral by nature, and was he just waiting for the right person to set him off on his path of treachery and evil?

Quote #11

O, it is monstrous, monstrous!
Methought the billows spoke and told me of it;
The winds did sing it to me, and the thunder, 
That deep and dreadful organ pipe, pronounced
The name of Prosper. It did bass my trespass.
Therefore my son i' th' ooze is bedded, and
I'll seek him deeper than e'er plummet sounded,
And with him there lie mudded.                         He exits 
But one fiend at a time,
I'll fight their legions o'er.
                                            I'll be thy second. (3.3.116-126)

Alonso is willing to face his treachery against Prospero, even though it horrifies him. Sebastian and Antonio will not, though. Is this because they're strong, stubborn, or completely removed from their own personal accountability?

Quote #12

Give me thy hand. I do begin to have bloody
TRINCULO [seeing the apparel]
O king Stefano! O
peer! O worthy Stefano! look what a wardrobe
here is for thee! (4.1.245-249)

Again, Stefano and Trinculo provide a foil to the actual ill-intentioned treachery of Sebastian and Antonio. They are distracted by shiny things, and don't necessarily mean harm, whereas Sebastian and Antonio are not shaken from their purpose, even by the King's grief over his lost son. Where Stefano and Trinculo are just foolish, Sebastian and Antonio are honest-to-goodness evil.