The Alchemist Humanity and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Show me where there is life out in the desert. Only those who can see such signs of life are able to find treasure." (2.419)

We usually think of treasure as dead: gold, silver, and jewels aren't really going anywhere. But the alchemist tells Santiago that he must be able to find life in order to find his treasure. Hint hint—the treasure is more than just the objects; it's a state of mind or a relationship.

Quote #5

"God created the world so that, through its visible objects, men could understand his spiritual teachings and the marvels of his wisdom." (2.490)

The alchemist teaches Santiago that the entire natural world is just a big chalkboard full of lessons, and that human beings should find wisdom and knowledge by observing it. It doesn't matter if it's the desert or the jungle; God is showing himself through nature. And pay attention, because there's probably going to be a test.

Quote #6

There had been times when his heart spent hours telling of its sadness, and at other times it became so emotional over the desert sunrise that the boy had to hide his tears. (2.496)

Santiago's relationship with the desert is as emotional as a teenager girl's relationship with Channing Tatum. It's a beautiful place of wonder that he can pour out all his emotions to—and best of all, it never talks back.