Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop. Pick a theme below to begin.
Society and Class Quotes
The creation of the mortgage bond market, a decade earlier, had extended Wall Street into a place it had never before been: the debts of ordinary Americans (1.14)
Manipulation Quotes
These companies disclosed their ever-growing earnings, but not much else. (1.29)
Perseverance Quotes
The small world of investors who made big bets against subprime mortgage bonds itself contained an even smaller world: people for whom the trade became an obsession. (5.3)
Injustice Quotes
Eisman wasn't just a little cynical. He held a picture of the financial world in his head that was radically different from [...] the financial world's self-portrait. (1.35)
Hypocrisy Quotes
"They should have taken the CEO out and hung him by the f***ing testicles. Instead they sold the company and the CEO made a hundred million dollars." (1.46)
Greed Quotes
The "consumer loan" piles that Wall Street firms, led by Goldman Sachs, asked AIG FP to insure went from being 2 percent subprime mortgages to being 95 percent subprime mortgages. (3.25)
Rules and Order Quotes
Historically, a Wall Street firm worried over the creditworthiness of its customers; its customers often took it on faith that the casino would be able to pay off its winners. (2.58)
Foolishness and Folly Quotes
Now he couldn't help but wonder who exactly was on the other side of his trades—what madman would be selling him so much insurance on bonds he had handpicked to explode? (2.65)