The Book of the Lion Chapter 18 Summary

  • Everyone onboard avoids making eye contact with Edmund. As punishment, he's been assigned to take care of the livestock on the ship. When he does get the chance, he makes a formal apology to Nigel.
  • It turns out that the man he robbed was a duke's nephew. Oops. Edmund wants to protest and tell Nigel what the guy was actually doing to deserve being robbed, but he keeps his mouth shut.
  • Father Urbino is a new passenger who's joined them since Venice. He's been sent to accompany the Crusaders on their holy mission.
  • All is seemingly calm, but while he's eating Edmund notices a rope twitching. Then, all of a sudden, the ship rolls to one side and there's a huge cracking noise. Everyone struggles to hold the ship above the water and Miles, Rannulf's squire, disappears overboard. Edmund tries to alert the others as he sees Miles tossed into the sea, but it's too late and along with another sailor, Miles sinks below the waves.