Otto's Hand
Nothing foreshadows the violence of war quite like a bloody hand twitching on the ground, right? Poor Otto and his hand.Otto loses his hand for making counterfeit money: "A white, wriggling thing s...
The Little Dog
When they first leave town, Edmund sees a little dog that runs to keep up with them. He thinks to himself: "The dog was too small to guard a hall, too big to hunt mice. Who was I to tell the little...
The Man Beating His Horse
Sometimes symbols show up time and again in books, and sometimes they make quick little appearances and then are gone. This is one of those.In Chapter 10, Edmund and Hubert are walking down the str...
The Saracen at the Well
The meeting between Edmund and the Saracen soldier at the well is a pretty brief moment in the overall story, but it packs a powerful punch. In a book filled with war and violence, the brief episod...