The Circuit Disappointment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

She was interrupted by a knock at the door. When she opened it, I could see Mr. Denevi, the principal, and a man standing behind him. The instant I saw the green uniform, I panicked. I wanted to run, but my legs would not move. I began to tremble and could feel my heart pounding against my chest as though it wanted to escape too. Miss Ehlis and the immigration officer walked up to me. Putting her right hand on my shoulder, and looking up at the officers, she said sadly, "This is him." My eyes clouded. I stood up and followed the immigration officer out of the classroom and into his car marked "Border Patrol." I sat in the front seat as the officer drove down Broadway to Santa Maria High School to pick up Roberto. (12.87)

This is the biggest bummer yet. After all the time Francisco and his family spend working so hard in California, Border Patrol catches up with them. Since these are the last lines of the book, do you think The Circuit is ultimately just a sad story? Or in the big picture, are there more happy moments than disappointments?