The Circuit Resources
Check out this bio from Santa Clara University where Jiménez is a cool prof. Be prepared: he's a pretty impressive dude.
Articles and Interviews
Take a look at this interview and you'll get a sneak peak into what inspires Jiménez the most.
The Circuit is pretty popular so it's been reviewed tons of times. Take a gander at all the fanfare here.
This is a great article on Jiménez that includes an interesting twist on what the title alludes to. (We're not going to tell you—you're gonna have to read this one for yourself.)
Get the story straight from Jiménez himself. This video interview might look dated, but it's chock full of info on the roots of the The Circuit.
The second section of the interview…
… and the third—and final—segment. Phew.
Check out this fan-made trailer for The Circuit. It's guaranteed to pique your interest.
Check out this cover for The Circuit and see how the images link up with the stories inside.
We're thinking that Breaking Through sounds like a happier title than The Circuit. Let's hope so.
Jiménez thinks butterflies are pretty great. Here's the cover for his children's book named after them.