The Clouds Religion and Science Quotes

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Quote #1

It's sacrilege to tell anyone but the pupils. (140)

Here, the pupil is explaining to Strepsiades that he can't tell him much about what goes on in the Thinkery, since it's apparently sacred knowledge. You get the vibe early on that the school is really more of a religion or a cult than a school, right? Which is interesting, since Socrates talks a lot about science and logic… but apparently, he's just as reliant on blind faith as religion? Hmmm…

Quote #2

I'll tell you, then. But these are holy secrets. This morning Socrates asked Chaerephon / how many of its own feet a flea can jump / A flea had bitten Chaerephon on the eyebrow / and then jumped off and landed on Socrates' head. (143-146)

The pupil is once again indicating that what happens in the Thinkery is somehow more akin to religion than science, given that the school's lessons are "holy secrets."

Quote #3

What do you mean, "the gods"? In the first place, gods aren't legal tender here (247)

For all these (inadvertent) suggestions that Socrates is kind of a religious figure, he definitely seems anti-religion here, given that he is rejecting the existence of the gods.