Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The Clouds.
War and Violence Quotes
I heard the cock crow quite a while ago, / but the slaves are snoring. They wouldn't in the old days. / Damn the war, it's messed up a lot of things. (4-6)
Foolishness and Folly Quotes
It's you, dear lad, who's been rolling—in my money. / And now I've been served papers, and other creditors are threatening to sue me. (33-34)
Education Quotes
I'd like you, as soon as possible, to reverse your life, and go to learn the things I want you to. (87)
Change and Aging Quotes
I'd like you, as soon as possible, to reverse your life, and go to learn the things I want you to. (87)
Philosophy Quotes
That house is a Thinkery for clever souls. / Some gentlemen live there who argue that the sky / is a casserole-cover—and make us all believe it— / and that it covers us all, and we're charcoal...
Religion and Science Quotes
It's sacrilege to tell anyone but the pupils. (140)
Language and Communication Quotes
I want to learn oratory. / By debts and interest payments and rapacious creditors. / I'm assailed and assaulted and stand to lose my property. (239-241)
Morality Quotes
Not for me, no motions, please! I don't desire political clout, / just the power of twisting lawsuits, and giving my creditors the slip. (432)