How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
"Do you think we enjoy all this? You think we enjoy watching you suffer?" (2.8)
Just because the people from WICKED might not enjoy watching the kids suffer, that doesn't make it any more ethical for them to put the kids through the Trials.
Quote #2
"It's a very old axiom, but do you believe the end can justify the means? When there's no choice left?" (2.26)
Psh, okay, Machiavelli. Remember, this quote comes from a guy who preached for princes to kill their own people for the good of the republic. Janson really can't sound any more evil than in this quote.
Quote #3
As he watched their nemesis twitch, he was almost ashamed for feeling no guilt. Almost. (12.21)
When Thomas shoots Janson with a Launcher, he doesn't feel any guilt for the pain he causes him. Despite our love for Thomas, this is still a pretty immoral thing to feel. Yeah, maybe it's not exactly his fault, but still, it's a slippery slope.