The Demon's Lexicon Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Nick tilted his head to look at him from another angle. No matter how he looked at him, Alan still made no sense. "I hurt you," he said slowly. "Why would you want me to stay?"

"Oh God, Nick!" Alan said, his voice cracking. "Can't you even understand that much?" (12.172-173)

In some ways, this scene ventures into domestic violence territory. After all, one person in the relationship (Nick) has hit the other person in the relationship (Alan), and yet the hit-ee wants the hitter to stay in the name of "love." So what's the difference between what's going on with Alan and Nick here and what we would label domestic abuse in another situation? Hint: We do think there is a difference, and it has to do with the balance of power. Hint P.S.: You're welcome to have a different opinion.

Quote #8

[Nick] hadn't said much while the others were planning, but he had insisted on leaving the attic, and access to the roof, to Alan and Mae. That would give them the best chance of getting out. (13.41)

Again the guy who says he knows nothing of love puts the safety of two people he cares about ahead of his own. We think he might know more than he gives himself credit for.

Quote #9

"I love Livia," Arthur said calmly. "But you wouldn't be able to understand that, now would you?" (14.60)

Uh… Arthur? Considering what you did to Olivia and your son, we're not so sure you understand the concept of love.