How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Departed.
Quote #4
DIGNAM: F***ing family's dug into the Southie projects like ticks. Three-decker men at best. You, however, grew up on the North Shore, huh?
Dignam knows that Billy is from a rough neighborhood. But so is Dignam, and he's not going to let Billy forget the fact that the kid grew up with his mom in a much more posh part of Boston. Dignam was born and raised in Southie, and he's not about to let some poser from the North Shore say the same thing.
Quote #5
DIGNAM: Tell me, what's a lace-curtain m*********** like you doing in the staties? Well, families are always rising or falling in America, am I right?
So Dignam's question is this: why would someone from a good background like Billy try to be in the police force when he could be a doctor or lawyer? There's something fishy about the whole thing, and Dignam doesn't want Billy joining the police just to prove how tough he is.
Quote #6
UNCLE EDWARD: What's this I hear from Stephanie about you becoming a policeman?
BILLY: Stephanie, who was the only one who came to my father's funeral?
It's pretty clear that Billy doesn't think much of his mother's family, especially since most of them didn't show up at his father's funeral. He more or less accuses them of abandoning his father because they thought they were too good for him, and it looks like he'll never forgive them for it.