The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things Admiration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I've always had so much respect for Mom—how she looks so together, how she has a successful career. But maybe I haven't been seeing her for who she actually is. That is, the Cleopatra part. (20.75)

Here's one way Byron resembles his mom—not the Cleopatra part, but the "things are not what they seem" part. Sometimes the people who look the most admirable are the ones carrying around the darkest secrets.

Quote #8

"I never considered date rape," Shannon says. "But I can't say I thought he walked on water, like you did. Maybe it's different because he's not my brother, but I'd hear the things he'd say to you or watch the way he'd blow you off all the time." (21.91)

Rice Krispie treats do not a strong sibling bond make. (However, they do make an excellent vehicle for melted chocolate. Try it sometime.)

Quote #9

In the old days, I would have paraded over and shown him my eyebrow ring. If he liked it, I would have been the happiest person on the planet. If he said it looked dumb, I would have taken it out instantly. But now I couldn't care less what Byron thinks. (23.13)

As the book's patron saint Ani DiFranco says, "Every tool is a weapon if you hold it right." In this case, the tool is body jewelry, and holding it right means putting it in your eyebrow.