The English Patient Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The English Patient.

Quote #4

CARAVAGGIO: And I said you can forget everything, but you never forget your name.

This is another good point, this time from Caravaggio, that echoes the soldier's question at the beginning about Almásy's nationality. Caravaggio knows enough to be suspicious of Almásy's alleged amnesia. And he turns out to be correct. Almásy does remember his name; he's just feeling guilty about his actions. He probably wishes he were a different person.

Quote #5

HANA: I thought you were very, very tall. You seemed so big and giant. And I feel like a child who can't keep her balance.

Hana says this to Hardy, Kips' lieutenant. Early in the movie, he saves her from a landmine, so she saw him as a huge hero. But when she meets him again, she sees he's just a normal person, albeit a very heroic one.

Quote #6

CARAVAGGIO: I saw you writing in that book, at the embassy in Cairo, when I had thumbs, and you had a face… and a name. […] Before you went over to the Germans. Before you found a way to get Rommel's spy across the desert an in British headquarters.

Identities, appearances, and allegiances can change on a daily basis. But even though Caravaggio and Almásy now look different, are they different people?